IW3SGT - HF QRSS experiments
What about QRSS ? Here are some links:
very good page about QRSS by KA7OEI: http://www.ussc.com/~turner/qrss1.html other good page about narrow bandwidth techniques by ON7YD: http://www.qsl.net/on7yd/136narro.htm KNIGHTQRSS clipboard: http://www.on5ex.be/clipboard_view_unreg.php Italian gang on 28.322 Mhz: http://28322.blogspot.com/ grabber compendium by I2NDT: http://digilander.libero.it/i2ndt/grabber/grabber-compendium.htm
My first setup: Yaesu FT857D with 10dB attenuator (~0.5W out). TX software is QRSS by ON7YD.
Since 2009 I have a new setup for QRSS experiments: Icom IC703+. It is a QRP transceiver with RF power output range of 0.1-10W.
10.140MHz received reports
G6AVK in JO01ho (1169 km) on 15th May 2006 (Yaesu FT857D and 0.5W out)
DK5NA in JO42bh (848 km) on 19th May 2006 (Yaesu FT857D and 0.5W out)
PA1SDB grabber in JO33kh (987 km) on 16th Jul 2008 (Yaesu FT857D and 0.5W out)
ON5EX grabber in JO10ux (951 km) on 16 Jul 2008 (Yaesu FT857D and 0.5W out)
VE1VD grabber in FN85ij (5754 km) on 22nd Nov 2009 (ICOM703+, QRSS3 SGT id and 0.1W out)
Very weak from KK7CC grabber in DM26je (9575 km) on 22nd Nov 2009 (ICOM703+, QRSS3 id and 0.1W out)
G8NXD grabber in IO70je (1498 km) on 22nd Nov 2009 (ICOM703+, QRSS3 id and 0.1W out)
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