IW3SGT Op. Ale
I am SWL since 1996, but my interest in the radio began much more before, when after the purchase of the first RTX in the Citizen Band. I started the radio activity with the call sign of CB PIPPO.  In the 1997 I started a ham activity with IW3SGT callsign. At this date only 50MHz and higher frequencies are avaiable for "IW" license. In the 2005, after the finish of the Morse code exam for Italian ham, all "IW" license can work below 50MHz band :-)
Most of my activity is in digital modes and I like to explore the LF and VLF frequencies.
Recently I done some experiments in the THz range (630nm).

 IW3SGT station since 2019
RX and RTX  Kenwood TS590S
Yaesu FT991A
Yaesu FT817ND
Wouxun KG-UV6D
Icom IC-R10
Yaesu FRG-7
RX and TX home made for 476THz (630nm)
RX for VLF/ELF home made
Antennas Vertical LEMM 5/8 from CB (tuned) for 10m/12m/17m/20m/30m
Dipole ECO for 10m/15m/20m
Vertical Diamond V2000 for 70cm/2m/6m
15m wire and CG3000 tuner for 40m/60m/80m and sometimes 160m
G.P. home made for 6m /P
Yagi 4 el. Diamond for 2m /P
Yagi 1 el. Diamond for 70cm /P
Dual band Yagi 2+3 el. home made for 70cm/2m /P
Yagi 5 el. home made for 70cm
Various fishing rod antennas for HF /P 
Vertical for car Outback 2000 for HP /P
Loops home made for MF/LF/VLF reception
900mm F10 Skywatcher telescope for 476THz (630nm)
Other P.S. Comtrak PS30F
P.S. Microset P107A
Digital interfaces home made
Amplifier RM HLA150 for HF
Autotuner LDG AT100 PRO
Autotuner LDG Z817
Autotuner CG3000
In the past I had: Kenwood TS450SAT, Yaesu FRG100, Icom IC746, Yaesu FT857D, Icom IC703+, Kenwood TS830S, Yaesu FT450D, FunCube Pro+, Icom ICW32, Kenwood TM732, CB Intek 4035S and CB Midland Alan 87I.
I can't have big antennas at home due to strong wind condition, Bora wind (ENE) can blow over 160km/h.
IW3SGT shack pics
IW3SGT/P pics
IW3SGT QSO statistics
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