137 kHz HAM signals


137 kHz Captures LOG
Call Name Frequency Mode QRB Date - note
DF6NM Markus 136.173 kHz QRSS120 462 km 12/2012
DF6NM Markus 137.432 kHz WSPR 462 km 01/2013
DK7FC Stefan 136.170 kHz DFCW120 564 km 11/2012
DK7FC Stefan 137.459 kHz WSPR 564 km 12/2012
IK1HSS Marco 136.171 kHz DFCW120 480 km 12/2012
IK1HSS Marco 137.490 kHz WSPR 480 km 01/2013
IK1ODO Marco 137.770 kHz QRSS3 492 km 01/1999
IK5ZPV Valerio 137.730 kHz QRSS3 326 km 03/1999



DK7FC Stefan on 137.460kHz in WSPR in JN49IJ, QRB 564km
Marco on 137.490kHz in WSPR in Torino, QRB ~480km
Markus on 137.432kHz in WSPR in JN59nj, QRB 462km
Working condition: Kenwood TS590S  + 13 turns 0.5x0.5m indoor loop + PRE (as miniwip) on 1 turn + WSPR 2.0 SW



IK1HSS Marco on 137.490kHz in WSPR in Torino, QRB ~480km, (DSP band-pass 50Hz and 80Hz test at 18:10 and 18:14)
Working condition: Kenwood TS590S  + 13 turns 0.5x0.5m indoor loop + PRE (as miniwip) on 1 turn + WSPR 2.0 SW



DK7FC Stefan on 137.459kHz in WSPR in JN49IJ, QRB 564km
Working condition: Kenwood TS590S  + 13 turns 0.5x0.5m indoor loop + PRE (as miniwip) on 1 turn + WSPR 2.0 SW



IK1HSS Marco on 136.171kHz in DFCW120 in Torino, QRB ~480km, S/N 20/25 dB (12th Dec 2012 22:51 UTC)
DF6NM Markus ("NM" trace) on 136.173kHz in QRS120 in JN59nj, QRB 462km, S/N 25 dB (12th Dec 22:33 UTC)
Working condition: Kenwood TS590S  + 13 turns 0.5x0.5m indoor loop + PRE (as miniwip) on 1 turn + Spectran SW



DK7FC Stefan on 136.170kHz in DFCW in JN49IJ, QRB 564km, S/N 20/25 dB (10th Nov 2012 22:46UTC)
Working condition: Kenwood TS590S, 10/15/20m trap dipole by ECO and Spectran SW



IK5ZPV on 137.71kHz in QRSS3, signal and noise S9+10 (27th Mar 1999 8:30UTC)

Working condition: ICOM IC746 with 350Hz CW filter, indoor loop (25 turn, 1m diameter and FET+TR tuned PRE).


IK5ZPV on 137.73kHz in QRSS, signal and noise at S9+20 (1st Mar 1999 20:57 UTC)

Working condition: ICOM IC746 with 350Hz CW filter and 80Hz DSP filter, square indoor loop (50 turn, 1.25m side and FET+TR tuned PRE).



IK1ODO on 137.77kHz in QRSS, signal and noise S9 (3rd Gen 1999 9:05 and 10:40UTC)

Working condition: ICOM IC746 with 350Hz CW filter and 80Hz DSP filter, square indoor loop (50 turn, 1.25m side and FET+TR tuned PRE).

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